Afro Futurism October 14th - October 27th 2024
AfroFuturism Fest | Black Sci-fi, Horror and Fantasy is part of the Urban Media Makers Festival.
Georgia Gwinnett College | Cisco Auditorium |1000 University Center Lane, Building C Lawrenceville, GA 30043
8th AfroFuturism Fest 2024 – Black sci-fi, fantasy, horror and gaming along with international thrillers. AfroFuturism Fest includes vendors, panels, comic book swapping, AfroFuturism cosplay, costume contest for cash prizes, and more.
AfroFuturism takes you on a journey for self-discovery of sci-fi-, fantasy, horror and gaming projects that engages the imaginative and spiritual senses.
Nigerian Artist Ytasha Womack, author of “Afrofuturism: the World of Black Sci-Fi Fantasy and Fantasy Culture,” explains that, to her, Afrofuturism offers a “highly intersectional” way of looking at possible futures or alternate realities through a black cultural lens. It is non-linear, fluid and uses the black imagination to consider mysticism, metaphysics, identity and liberation; and, despite offering black folks a way to see ourselves in a better future, Afrofuturism blends the future, the past and the present.