Atlanta Film Society’s PA Academy 2024 Sponsorships from Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties
Georgia Production Academy & Atlanta Film Society present The PA Academy 2024 with Sponsorships from Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties
Date: Saturday, Nov 16th and Sunday, Nov 17th 2024
Time: 8:00 am – 8:30 pm (minus 30 minute lunch)
Location: TBD
Price: $250 NON MEMBERS (Limited scholarships available for Georgia Residents)
Learn more about scholarships and register for November’s Academy below.
ATLFS Member discounts applied at checkout.
The PA Academy is in person, and takes place every February, June, August, and November.
Start your career or improve upon your current skills in the industry with advanced knowledge. The PA Academy shows you what it takes to succeed while preparing you for your first day on set or your transition from a dayplayer to a core crew member.
Whether you want to work as an office PA, set PA, or production assistant in another department, The PA Academy teaches you everything you need to know to feel confident in your ability to do the job.
But this workshop isn’t just for PAs. It’s for anyone looking to break into the business from camera to G&E and wardrobe to craft service. All the same protocol, terminology, and hiring practices exist no matter where you start your career.
Training includes but is not limited to:
- Production terminology and paperwork.
- Film crew titles, job descriptions, and hierarchy.
- Department duties and responsibilities.
- Office and set etiquette – Do’s and Dont’s.
- How a typical day proceeds – from commercials and music videos to features and television.
- Locking up the set, distribution, and petty cash.
- Walkie protocol, terminology, and sign out.
- Supporting your AD team
- Kits and gear.
- Covid protocols – if they are still being used.
Shared will be resume tips, what key crew members look for when they hire PAs, and how to interview, best networking practices, and where to find experience as well as paid work.
Explore the many entry-level PA positions available, the paths to different careers, and how your individual experience can influence your unique path to a career you may not even know exists.
All students who finish the two-day workshop in full will be included in a secret FB page and hiring database that only these students and Producer Linda Burns can access for networking, job opportunities, internships, and mentorship.
This workshop serves as a fundraiser for the Atlanta Film Society and Georgia Production Partnership, supporting education and outreach, and film tax incentive lobbying efforts.
You must be 18+ to enroll.
Learn more about scholarships and register for November’s Academy.